Twenty Mile Creek @Bailey's Bridge |
I wasn't always a kayaker, but I always have loved anything to do with the outdoors so I guess it was a natural progression. I will always remember the first time I tried kayaking. We rented a little blue Canadian Tire special at Rockwood Conservation Area on a camping trip. It was love at the first dip of the paddle - well maybe the second. The more time I spent on the lake, the more certain I was that I wanted to do it the rest of my life. Shortly after that trip, we bought a couple of those Canadian Tire specials. It wasn't long before the urge to upgrade my kayak overtook me and I bought a newer one. I still have that Wilderness Systems Pungo 100. I call it my river runner. It's just over 10 feet and is perfect for those meandering rivers and small areas. One of my favorite areas to take my Pungo is close to home. I'm talking about Twenty Mile Creek and Jordan Harbour. The scenery is great and there is even wildlife to be seen. Carp spawn in the spring along the marshes, evil, yes evil swans nest, otters can be seen swimming and many red-winged black birds call the marshes home.
My Wilderness Systems |
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